Vue.js vs Angular - Which frontend development framework should you use?

August 30, 2021

Vue.js vs Angular - Which frontend development framework should you use?

Selecting the right frontend development framework is a crucial decision for any web development project. Although there is a vast choice of frameworks available in the market that offers multiple solutions, it can be overwhelming to decide which framework to go for. In this post, we are going to compare two of the most popular frontend development frameworks: Vue.js and Angular.

Let's talk numbers

Before we dive into the details, let's get the numbers out of the way. According to the State of JS 2020 survey, Vue.js and Angular are among the top ten frontend development frameworks. Vue.js secured its position at number 3, while Angular made it to sixth place. On GitHub, Vue.js has 184k stars with 25k forks, compared to Angular with 80k and 18k, respectively.


When it comes to performance, both frameworks have their unique selling points. According to a recent benchmark test by the Mill Heat team, Vue.js has a better runtime performance than Angular, with significantly faster rendering times. Vue.js is also more lightweight and less complex than Angular, enabling faster application development.

Framework DOM Updates per second Hertz rating Time taken to update (ms)
Vue.js 1050 1045 9ms
Angular 700 669 13ms


The size and maturity of the community can help determine the longevity of a framework. Vue.js has a relatively new community, but it's been growing at an impressive rate. Its features such as ease of learning and scalability have led the framework to become popular among startups and small projects. Whereas, Angular has a well-established community, led by its parent company, Google. The presence of a large community provides easy access to resources, frequent updates, and excellent support.

Framework GitHub Stars First Release Contributors
Vue.js 184k 2014 730
Angular 80.3k 2010 2,700


When we talk about flexibility, Vue.js shines bright with its clear and straightforward documentation, making it easier to create custom components with ease. On the other hand, Angular follows a stricter, enterprise-level approach, making it heavier but more robust in handling more extensive projects with multiple components.

Framework Learning curve Scalability Code Maintainability
Vue.js Easy Moderate Easy
Angular Moderate High Moderate


So, which one should you choose for your web development project? The answer is, it depends. Vue.js is perfect for smaller projects, thanks to its simple structure and faster development times. Its superior runtime performance and ease of learning are added bonuses. Angular, on the other hand, is perfect for more extensive and more complex projects, thanks to its enterprise-level approach and robustness in handling multiple components.

In the end, it comes down to your project's specific requirements and the experience level of your developers. Both frameworks have their strengths and weaknesses, and making an informed decision can make all the difference.


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